October 2, 2018
Support in challenging times
In the wake of last week’s testimony by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh, we want to take a moment to share information about support resources available at Stanford for members of our community.
We have received considerable feedback from our community, across political affiliations and viewpoints, that although these hearings are taking place on a national stage, they feel very personal to many of us. For some, the hearings and media coverage have resurfaced difficult past personal experiences. Others are grappling with questions about fairness and process. Many are feeling vulnerable, in a variety of ways.
At the beginning of a new academic year, a large portion of our community is new to Stanford and may not be fully familiar with the resources available on campus. We want you to know that you are not alone as you confront these issues.
We have resources on campus to support you. Links to support services are provided below. We also encourage you to practice self-compassion, self-care, and care for others in our community.
Support Services for Faculty and Staff
(with locations at Kingscote Gardens, SLAC, School of Medicine, Porter Drive)
Support Services for Students
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Confidential Support Team (CST)
Women’s Community Center (WCC)
Support Services for Postdocs
To Report a Concern
Sexual Harassment Policy Office
Stanford University Department of Public Safety (SUDPS)
(In an emergency, dial 911. From a university phone, dial 9-911.)